LOCATED IN MEADE COUNTY at 879 Hillcrest Drive, Brandenburg, KY 40108, at the corner of the Brandenburg By-Pass Road and Hillcrest Drive across the road from the Meade County Fairgrounds.
BARR REALTY & AUCTION CO., INC. has been selected by Phillip Wimpee, Meade County Sheriff, to conduct this absolute auction for the Meade County Sheriff’s Office. Auctioneers Mark Barr, Stephen Barr, Jamie Barr, Chris Barr, Dennie Armes, Bobby Carwile, and App. Evan Barr with offices in Hardinsburg and Brandenburg, KY.
Going on the auction block, selling regardless of price, will be (2) Crown Vic Police Cruisers, 2006 Toyota T100 pickup truck, 2006 Chevy Aveo, 2004 Dodge Intrepid, 2005 Ford Mustang, 2005 VW Passat, 2003 GMC Sierra 1500 pickup truck, 2003 Chevy Tahoe, 1998 Chevy S-10 pickup truck, 2006 Harley Davidson Super Glide with saddlebags; 35,415 miles showing; VIN1HD1BVB176Y023169, 1988 Toyota Tacoma, 1998 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck, 10’; 12’ and 16’ utility trailers, (5) Honda ATVs, China Camo ATV, (2) Scooters, Moped, Generac generator, concrete saw, snow blowers, pressure washers, stereos, flat-screen TVs and other miscellaneous items. Ford Passenger Van; V-8 Trition; auto; 93,242 miles showing. MEADE COUNTY ROAD DEPT. GEHL 4840 Skid Steer; 5243 hours showing; GHL04843L00408001, 2000 C8500 dump truck; C7 Cat engine; 9sp.; 205,739 miles showing, 2001 Massey Ferguson 4243 diesel tractor with canopy; 75hp; 4904 hours showing, 2004 Chevy Colorado pickup truck; 4cyl; auto; runs; frame is broken, (3) Flink salt spreaders for dump truck, (6) Ford suitcase weights, 1972 Galion steel wheel roller; IH gas engine; low hours, 2001 Ford F150; 4x4, CITY OF BRANDENBURG 2010 Dodge Charger police cruiser; 97273 miles showing, multiple dirt bikes, washers & dryers, commercial griddles, Miller welder on trailer, Pauli & Griffin sandblast cabinet Pram machine Ser# 5375 model PRAM32, Landa heated pressure washer; diesel; two wands; with toolbox; very good condition; 211 hours showing; model SDHW6-3500; #P1203-71216; PSI 3500, Onan diesel generator on trailer #A80C475898; 348 hours showing, Better Engineering commercial parts washer Model CE2000-2755, large portable diesel heater, Jon boat, (2) 2000 Yamaha wave runners, Skag Turf Tiger ZTR mower; 61” cut; 1990 hours, 2006 Chevy 2500 pickup truck with utility bed; 102,726 miles showing (bad engine), multiple gas water pumps, heated pressure washer, 400 watt shop lights, several pieces of exercise equipment including ellipticals; recumbent exercise bikes; weights, Club Car for parts, various carts and trailers, riding mowers for parts, large government issue tents, and (6) computer desks. ITEMS OWNED BY OTHER SELLERS: 1983 Case 1155D track loader; Ser# 7309831; 110hp; 26,000lbs; GP bucket with teeth, Honda Rancher 4x4 ATV, bumper hitch horse trailer, International 12’ wheel disc, Bushhog brand 6’ finish mower, gravity beds w/running gears, 6’x10’ utility trailer w/fold-down gate, E-Z Go gas golf cart w/two seats, Massey Ferguson 2 bottom plow, International 3 bottom plow, Burch 10’ wheel disc, Freeman PTO driven manure spreader, Durabilt ten-wheel V rake, 1987 (14ft) bass boat w/Nissan 390-I outboard engine, 2001 29’ Noma Scout bumper hitch RV trailer with slide-out, Woods 3pth 6’ box blade, car hauler trailer, 1997 Jeep Wrangler; 4cyl; 5sp; new tires; 97000 miles showing, one owner 2005 DX35 Case/IH diesel tractor, 29 hp, 4 wheel drive, hydrostatic transmission, good tires, 550 hours showing, serial # HBA0005445; 3 pth 6 ft. Woods 72 bush hog, 7 ft. grader blade, 3 pth 7 ft. Woods bush hog w/ front chains, 6 ft. box blade w/ teeth, 3 pth MF model 64 3 bottom disc plows, 1952 Willys Army Jeep, off frame restorations, model 452 – GBI, F Head L4 – 134 cubic inch, 3-speed transmission, 48,446 miles original and rebuilt engine at 46,806 miles in 1996, must see to appreciate. Road ready! See website for full list of restoration work completed. One owner Troy-Bilt 6000 watt generator, one owner 2002 3.3 hp Mercury outboard motor, Huskee LT 4600 riding mower w/ 19 hp Kohler engine, 3 pth PTO driven leaf blower, wood bbq cooker/smoker on trailer and 11 gun cabinet, 2007 Ford F350 dually chassis; 6.0 engine; auto; 133477 miles showing, 2006 Nissan Frontier 4x4 crew cab truck, 198,000 miles showing; 2012 RPOD by Forest River mod. 177 camping trailer with slide out and bathroom, heat and air; Craftsman roll around toolbox, Farmtrac Tractor 360 DTC 4x4 with Farmtrac 5140 loader; 202 hours showing; 360DF4AF0088, Branson Tractor 2910 with Branson BL10A loader; 423 hours showing; does not run; CM4L0030G, 14' Factory Built Car Hauler with pull out ramps and brakes in very good condition, Woods 6' double blade grader box (like new), one bottom plow, hay wagon running gear, 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix, Kuhn 102; 3pth rake,John Deere drill 8300; 18 hole; 7" space; double disk, New Holland 451 sickle mower, Encore 54" ZTR mower, toolbox, hay spear, corn planter.
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Meade County Sheriff’s Office, Meade County Road Department, City of Brandenburg, and Others, Owners